Solid Phase Extraction

Sample Preparation

Solid Phase Extraction

Solid phase extraction (SPE) is a technique designed for rapid, selective sample preparation and purification prior to the chromatographic analysis (e.g. HPLC, GC, TLC). In SPE, one or more analytes from a liquid sample are isolated by extracting, partitioning, and/or adsorbing onto a solid stationary phase.

Sample preparation by SPE changes the original matrix of a sample to a simpler matrix environment. This renders the sample more suitable for subsequent analytical chromatography, often simplifying and improving the final qualitative and quantitative analysis. The simpler sample matrix also lessons the demand placed on an analytical system, potentially extending the system’s lifetime.

An optimal SPE procedure can allow you to:

  • Switch sample matrices to be more compatible with the target chromatographic method.
  • Concentrate analytes (trace enrichment) for increased sensitivity.
  • Remove interferences that cause high background, misleading peaks, and/or poor sensitivity during chromatographic analysis.
  • Protect the analytical column from contaminants.
  • Automate the extraction process.